Overview of Parts 1, 2, 3 Help supervisors use the EAP more effectively and more often in the management of troubled employees. Refresher training dispels
myths and misconceptions about the EAP, helps curtail missteps in the referral process, puts
the kibosh on unhelpful rumors, clarifies confidentiality rules, improves
communication between the EAP and management, and helps more troubled employees consider the EAP, thereby increasing utilization and reducing risk.
What Refresher Training Does (partial list of issues covered)
- Referring early (advantages) to the EAP
- Communication issue with the EAP
- About the release of Information
- Confidentiality issues
- Understanding mandatory referrals—what, why, misconceptions
- Communicating with your employee—what to say, how to say it, and when
- Manipulation by employees—and staying focused on performance
- Keeping emotions in check with troubled employees
- Avoid referring too late and dynamics of performance deterioration
- Staying in control of supervision process
- Avoiding EAP misconceptions and common myths
- Avoiding armchair diagnosis and the manifestations of this syndrome
- Follow-up after referral, what, how, when, and what if’s
- Staying firm—sticking to your decisions
- If or when problems return — how alcoholism relapse doesn’t mean failure
- The EAP’s relationship with the supervisor: boundaries, consulting, etc.
- What EAP’s can’t do, shouldn’t do-- and you don’t want the EAP to do!
Formats Available in Web Course, DVD, PowerPoint (sound/no sound), and Flash Video for protected web site page, and Auto-play Flash CD
Product Promises Increases supervisor referrals guaranteed, more motivated supervisor referrals, better communication between EAP and top management, improved program credibility, more competitive EAP provider services, provides a great reason to interact with supervisors.