Educate employees about alcoholism to facilitate self-diagnosis and the possibility of self-referral, increased motivation to examine drinking practices, and acceptance of treatment sooner in the course of a "drinking career."
New Release #7 of 12 $397 $183 with Media Library purchase. Five Formats: DVD, PPT, PPT-Sound, Web Video, AutoCD, Web Course ($597)
Time:About 12
Minutes; Six media formats including DVD, Flash Video for Web site,
Self-play CD, Power Point with sound and Power Point without Sound, Web Course with Certificate (Add $200)
What this Product Will Do for You:
Educates and motivates employees to consider alcoholism as a disease and self-diagnose with the goal of seeking or eventually accepting help sooner.
Increases utilization of your employee assistance program because employees are encouraged to contact you.
You own this product. There are no leasing fees, subscription fees, or additional costs. You own it. You control it.
E-mail the live link to your client anytime, anywhere.
Educate family members by encouraging them to visit your Web site and enjoy your educational offerings.
Improve your program value and demonstrate your capabilities.
Intervene more efficiently with this important problem that affects the bottom line and increases behavioral risk in the workplace
Train more efficiently and with an enhanced professional look.
Improve the return on investment you've made in your Web site.
Save money and time on training while reaching more people
Train and educate 24 hours a day
Use the accompanying self-play CD (Flash format) at health fairs or other places where you need portability
Reach employees in the field -- the ones that are most under-served
Get this product for $183 instead of $397 when you purchase all employee wellness videos. You'll save nearly $2000, but only for a short time as we work our way to producing all 12 modules by October 2010. Each topic is available in your choice of Flash for your Web site, DVD, or PowerPoint (with sound). Some of the topics have Web course options for customers (military, etc.) needing training that can be documented with a certificate of completion and a scored test. Web courses have sound, sign-in, certificates of completion, and optional logo or program policy pop-up inserts. (Phone 1-800-626-4327 to learn more.)
Employee Health Education Videos will energize and enhance your Web presence or educational offerings, make better use of your Web site's ability to help employees, and show management that you are addressing difficult issues that affect productivity, safety, morale, and the bottom line.
Partial Outline of this Product
Alcoholism - a disease and why
If you drink alcoholic beverages...
The American Medical Association and the World Health
Organization declared alcoholism a disease...
Alcoholism is not a willpower. . .
Alcoholism is a recognized medical illness . . .
If you have alcoholism in your family . . .
Hundreds of studies have demonstrated a family/biological lin
Understanding alcoholism, who becomes alcoholic and why . . .
Although it isn’t possible to predict who will become an
alcoholic . . .
As the disease of alcoholism progresses . . .
Definition of Alcoholism . . .
According to the leading medical . . .
The disease is . . .
“Alcoholism is characterized . . .
Falsehood to believe that calling alcoholism a disease
eliminates responsibility . . .
Many people focus on the symptoms that they do not have . . .
Here’s a better way to understand denial . . .
Most people with alcoholism have some awareness, however slight,
that .
Have you heard or used the term “functional alcoholic”? This is a
common expression that . . .
The term “functional alcoholic” is often used by others to mean .
. .
Here’s a one-question quiz to help you decide whether you need a
more complete evaluation . . .
There are many types of screening tests and interview questions .
. .
These factors include . . .
Other questions may examine . . .
Detection of alcoholism can also be discovered by . . .
But what about the earliest stages of the disease and clues to .
. .
Feeling lucky to be able to drink so efficiently and not feels
its effects? Tolerance . . .
What the EAP Can Do
Completing a full evaluation with an experienced professional is
the best way