Preventing Workplace Violence Education and Awareness. Do It Before ...Not After.
“Train every employee in workplace violence awareness and prevention, and reduce the risk of tragedy, enhance workplace communication, and help employees demonstrate tolerance and life-saving concern for coworkers.”
What this Product Will Do for You:
- Reduce the risk of a tragic violent incident at work
- Demonstrates that your program is on top this critical problem facing employees and society
- Improve your image with a efficient way to train
- Add value to your program or service
- Demonstrate the technological capability of your web site
- Add content for your web site and make it interactive
- Improve your web site's return on investment by getting employees to use it
- Save money and time on training while reaching more people
- Train and educate 24 hours a day
- Use the accompanying self-play CD at health fairs or other places where you need the portability of the program on a CD to play in your laptop
- Reach more employees, especially those in the field.
- Only $395 and you own it! No linking to WorkExcel.com. Own it for only $166 using our Medial Library Subscription service. Learn more here.
Options: Flash Video for Web Site • Flash Video CD • Power Point • Power Point with Sound • DVD• Web Course with Cert/Q &A for Web Site
To preview this program, click button to send an email request. We will e-mail to you the full program link. There is no cost or obligation. :)
*Get this product for $183 (save nearly 60%) when you purchase a complete set of 12 topical flash videos that we have been releasing monthly since November 2009. The last release comes October 2010. This Online Media Library energizes and elevates your Web site's capability by adding a unique service without the usual cost. Instantly, your program is seen as proactive. Management will recognize that you're tackling difficult issues that have affect productivity, safety, morale, and the bottom line. A key object for each topic is increasing EAP utilization because the final slide focuses on referral to the EAP. Start now, we can bill you later...but get started! ... Learn more here.
Preventing Workplace Violence Outline
- Background and Severity
- Definition and Key Principles
- Important Facts and Statistics
- Physical Violence Defined
- Psychological Violence Defined
- Dangerous Communication Issues
- Duties and Functions at Increased Risk for Violence
- At-risk Occupations
- Attitude about Violence, Risk, and Vulnerability
- Communication with Your Employer; Restraining Orders
- Warning Signs of Potential Violence
- Prevention Do’s and Don’ts
- Your Role in Prevention, Behavior Issues, and Disrespect
- What to Do If You Become a Victim; Reporting
- Critical Incident Stress and Workplace Violence
- What the EAP Can Do