Stress Management Techniques PowerPoint
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Understanding Employee Stress
Stress Management Training that Works
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This is a Stress Management Training
program to help employees manage job and workplace stress. This program delivers a fire hose practical tips within ten key chapters on stress management topics.
Employees will gain more control over the effect of pressures they face everyday on the job.

With PowerPoint, you received sound and non-sound editable options--both for one price. And with Flash video for your web site, you will receive a self-playing CD and the files for uploading to your web site.

This program will leave your employee audience with information, practical tips, and solid ideas that they can employ immediately--even before the program has even ended.

Web formats include test questions and a certificate of completion. Choose sound, Flash movie, or text-only without sound. Also available is a standard PowerPoint for live presentations with an instructor's script. There is also a PowerPoint Show for automated play, a self-playing movie CD for portable use at health fairs and special events, Flash files for upload to your Web site for a "one-click" movie, and a DVD format. The DVD runs in any standard, non-computer style DVD player.

All formats are easy to use. They are self-contained and their are no links or loggin in to WorkExcel.com servers. You own this program so there are no "per-user" fees. The entire program is self-contained and within your control. Your logo can be placed on the first page and with Web courses you can have your own handouts--EAP policy, letter of welcome, brochure, etc. We can make them click-able links. Phone for information about these customized options.

Preview a small portion above or the full program. Follow the instructions to purchase or have us send you a free preview link.

Phone 1-800-626-4327 for faster service.

Guest Expert . . .

Reducing Stress Leads to Increased Productivity - Improved Focus and a Better Business

By Dr. Chase Hayden, D.C. QN

For most people, stress is often associated with being over-worked, running behind, financial burdens, and other emotional or psychological situations. Unfortunately, stress can also come through physical and nutritional means such as injury, pain, trauma, surgery, low blood sugar, toxic chemicals, artificial stimulants, and more. No matter the source of the stress (physical, nutritional, emotional) our body responds by producing cortisol.

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands (located in the back above the kidneys) in order to assist our bodies in regulating stress. Cortisol is also secreted into our blood in the mornings in order to wake us up, and it gets us ready for the day. Cortisol has many beneficial effects in our body, but sustained cortisol production can also lead to the deterioration of many biological processes in our body. This deterioration will create many symptoms such as hormonal imbalance, weight gain, foggy memory, thyroid problems, fatigue, aggression, mood swings, impaired immune system, and poor digestion. These symptoms further contribute to the stress we are experiencing, which creates more cortisol in our bodies, which continues in a vicious cycle until the adrenal glands experience exhaustion.

The first step in addressing chronic stress and increased cortisol is to slow down. Slow down physically, mentally, and emotionally. Creating a system to manage your time and your activities is an excellent way to reduce the stress that you experience when you are trying to be in 5 places at once. As you incorporate time management into your day, recognize that sometimes you will have to prioritize one commitment over the other. Many successful people like Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar and Anthony Robbins suggest reviewing your "To Do List" every night before retiring for bed and prioritizing the next day's activities.

Sleep is also important to normalizing the cortisol in your body. Cortisol has a specific function in regulating blood sugar when you are not eating. As you sleep for 6-8 hours at night, it is cortisol's responsibility to maintain blood sugar and stimulate the centers of the brain that will wake you up in the morning. (Cortisol production follows a circadian rhythm and when this rhythm becomes altered, your body interprets these changes as stress, and cortisol secretions become altered again.) The cortisol circadian rhythm closely follows the cycle of the sun. Basically speaking, as the sun goes down, so should we. As we return the circadian rhythm that controls cortisol back to normal, we will be better able to handle the other stressors in our life.

Balancing blood sugar is an excellent way to normalize cortisol levels in your blood. Cortisol acts as a sugar when you are not eating and reacts to stressors when present. Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day will help avoid low blood sugar levels that stimulate the release of cortisol. Avoiding artificial stimulants such as caffeine, refined sugar, "energy" drinks, artificial colors, artificial preservatives, and MSG will help to maintain blood sugar spikes while reducing stress on digestive organs.

Time management, improved sleep, and balancing blood sugar are three important steps to reducing stress and returning cortisol back to normal. As cortisol production is normalized, the symptoms of chronic stress often reduce and the fatigue, weight gain, mental sluggishness, hormonal imbalance, etc. often return to normal. Other activities to help reduce stress and cortisol include exercise, meditation, chiropractic, acupuncture, nutritional supplementation, and shots of tequila (just kidding).

Dr. Chase Hayden, DC, QN is a holistic doctor that incorporates applied kinesiology, quantum neurology rehabilitation, and functional nutrition in his practice. He is the owner of The Hayden Institute in Houston, TX where the majority of his general practice are women seeking the relief of PMS, menopause, infertility, and other female related symptoms through alternative approaches. He is happily married and currently has two children. For more information regarding Dr. Chase Hayden and his services, please visit http://www.DrChaseHayden.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Chase_Hayden,_D.C._QN

PowerPoint Stress Management PPT
PowerPoint Stress Management Training
workplace stress managementtraining
Stress Management Helps Everyone!
Employee and Workplace Stress Management PowerPoint Techniques Information and Impact
  • Help employees be happier. Stress relief improves the ability to feel and look on the positive side of things and increases the joy of living.
  • Help employees reduce excessive stress that can lead to poor health outcomes
  • Help employees look better and feel healthier with practical stress relievers
  • Help employees really think about diet so they manage blood sugar levels, keep their emotions in check, and are more resilient to stress
  • Motivate employees to get regular exercise to help them blow off steam and increase "frustration tolerance".
  • Help employee increase productivity with the ability to stay more focused.
  • Help employees improve sleep, feel more engaged, and less stressed at the end of the day.
  • Help employees improve their attitude--a habit that can actually be learned.
  • Help employees be more optimistic so set-backs and failures roll off their backs easier, allowing them to achieve more.
  • Help employees reduce their "walking around stress" with everything from breathing exercises to mental exercises that put the brakes on runaway stress
  • Help employees reduce the effect of stress that can sap energy!
  • Demonstrate that your program is on top of a key problem--STRESS--that's facing employees this year more than ever, so you easily answer management's #1 question, "Hey, what's the EAP doing about stress?"
  • Possess a program that improves your EAP's image
  • Instantly add more value to your program or service
  • Increase EAP utilization--this program advocates use of the EAP in every stress tip. (Ask for the non-EAP version if you need to omit this feature.)
  • Take advantage of the technological capability of your web site
  • Add content to your web site to make it interactive and improve your marketability
  • Improve your web site's return on investment (ROI)
  • Save money and time on training while reaching more people than ever before!
  • Show better statistics to prove your program's worth
  • Add a prevention service that will run "hands-off", automatically giving you free time for other important work, even as you rack up higher utilization--amazing.
  • Train and educate 24 hours a day--even reach family members, perhaps for the first time ever.
  • E-mail the start link to employees, customer prospects, interested persons, or groups in conferences, seminars, and team meetings.
  • Train employees in the field or away from the employer's location
  • Seamless appearance makes it "your program" with your logo prominently placed with colors matching your Web site -- ask about this low cost option. It can done for under $75.
  • Inexpensive, high quality---it won't break your budget.