Employee Newsletter for Health, Wellness, and Productivity - Editable, Reproducible, Web Usable

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"We enjoy your articles each month and I thank you. I can't say enough about the two FrontLine publications we subscribe to. We are a small company who is a provider of EAP services to small and medium companies."

Marylee Nunley, V.P. of Operations
Resource Management Services
Peoria, Illinois See More >>

Recent Issues of FrontLine Employee...Below

November 2007 Employee Newsletter
  • Bullying in the Workplace;
  • Preventing Burnout;
  • Anger at Work;
  • Heart Health in Relationships;
  • How to Be a Star Performer;
  • Caution to Prevent Violence in Health Care Jobs;
  • Stopping Smoking;
  • Financial Stress and Health Effects

December 2007 Employee Newsletter
  • Compulsive Shopping;
  • Making the Holidays More Positive;
  • Earth Friendly Gift Giving; Depression and Retirement;
  • Power of Gratitude;
  • Power of Delegating;
  • Sexual Harassment is More Than You Think;
  • Easy Places to Cut Spending

January 2008 Employee Newsletter
  • Building Your Immunity to Criticism;
  • Adapting to Technology;
  • Paying Attention to Positive Feedback;
  • Preventing Internet Harassment; Dealing with a Mentally Ill Family Member;
  • Overcoming Shyness;
  • Eating Right, Exercising;
  • Planning for Setbacks;
  • Using Office Politics as a Positive Force

February 2008 Employee Newsletter
  • Finding Answers in Self-help Groups;
  • Battling Against Sleep a No Win;
  • Developing a Safety Culture in Your Organization;
  • Avoid Illness from Work Stress;
  • About Panic Attacks;
  • Families Fighting to Fit in All the Activities;
  • Attitude Changing Secrets;
  • Nurturing Your Creative Juices

March 2008 Employee Newsletter
  • Getting along with a new coworker;
  • Powerful Ways to Use Your 10 Minute Break;
  • Getting a Superior Performance Rating;
  • Valuing Diversity;
  • Don't Burn Bridges If You Resign;
  • Workplace Coaching Tips for the Coached;
  • Addiction Intervention: Focus on Responsibility Not Blame;
  • National Politics: Protocols for Office Talk

April 2008 Employee Newsletter
  • Plugging into a Positive Mental Attitude;
  • Relationship Issues Compound Financial Stress; Parents:
  • Talk about Prescription Drug Abuse with Teens;
  • Avoiding Trigger-happy E-mails;
  • Powerfully Respectful Workplaces;
  • Sell Yourself First, Then Your Ideas;
  • Thirty Days to a New Habit--Really!?;
  • Avoiding Accidents with the Elderly

May 2008 Employee Newsletter
  • When Teamwork Is Not Your Thing;
  • Don't Be a Perfectionist;
  • Put Green Plants in Your Office;
  • National Employee Health and Fitness Day;
  • Soft Skills with Hard Returns;
  • Next Time You'll Be Assertive;
  • Planning Against Gang Recruitment;
  • Bouncing Back with Resiliency

June 2008 Employee Newsletter  (released May 19th, 2008)
  • Walk for Your Health (and Your Wallet);
  • Add Power to Your Job Interview;
  • Intervening Early with Coworker Conflicts;
  • Hazards Around the House;
  • Project Management for Fun and Profit;
  • Your First Appointment with a Professional Counselor;
  • Attitude Adjustment Power

As Close as You Can Come to Your Own Work-Life & Productivity Employee Wellness Newsletter with
None of the Work
Fast! Ready to Use or Edit, Personalize, Copy, Print,
E-mail Internally or Post On Your Web Site
The FrontLine Employee Story

An employee newsletter that's easy, simple, ready-to-Go, but editable. You'll find FrontLine Employee fun and easy to read. It's simple, punchy, and powerful. We focused like a laser beam on content using our 30 years of experience in the employee assistance and work/life fields. You find it to be the perfect workplace wellness newsletter.

Experts Write It. You'll discover the most effective, content-driven newsletter possible with articles so unique that employees think we are reading their minds. We know what issues employees face because we've worked with employee and family issues for so long.

Super-fresh Content. Articles target improved productivity, better living, "right thinking", emotional common sense, reduced stress, goal attainment, better relationships, and work/life balance. But FrontLine Employee articles also help reduce behavioral risk to your work organization. FrontLine Employee is everything you want in an employee newsletter.

We examined all the options. We examined every newsletter option available to work organizations. We then went to work to produce this publication. Frankly, that's why the U.S. Congress chose WorkLife Excel (same content, different format-) for its 12,000 employees.

Short and sweat. To the point. FrontLine Employee is two pages, not four. That decision was purposeful. Your investment isn't wasted. It gets completely read.

Call It Your Own Newsletter. You can edit articles in FrontLine Employee, add your own articles, or save articles for future use. E-mail it, photocopy it, or print it. You can also rename it the newsletter to one you like or one your employee vote on!

Never Worry Again about Finding Content. Do you already have a newsletter for employees, but find it a pain to come up with content and article ideas? Stop the mad searches for content. Use our articles in your publication and your troubles end. We are your last stop to solve this problem. Simply choose the "text only" version of FrontLine Employee. We will then send you a MS Word document each month.

We Know Where Employees Hurt.
During the year, FrontLine Employee targets 12 different personal and workplace productivity issues that we have identified as keys to boosting morale, reducing workplace risk, increasing productivity, and improving job satisfaction. They include:
  • Workplace communication: conflict, personality issues, dealing with difficult people, attitude problems, issues, and "ulterior motives" of coworkers, etc.
  • Worker productivity tips: time management, organization, setting priorities, procrastination, etc.
  • Family, home, and community issues: teenagers, family stress, conflict, work-life balance, ADHD, etc.
  • Personal fitness and emotional wellness: Exercise tips, getting more energy, depression, emotional wellness
  • Personal effectiveness and goal achievement: planning your career, getting more done, planning for retirement, New Year's resolutions, managing money
  • Team building: Tips on better meetings, reducing conflict, improving communication, about cohesiveness, being a team player, etc.
  • Improving relationships with supervisors: communication, knowing what your supervisor wants, completing assignments , making an impression
  • Hot productivity and health topics: health issues in the news, ideas, etc.
  • Stress management: ongoing tips, avoiding burnout, self-assessment,
  • [with our Employee Assistance Program version] EAP education, confidentiality, what EAPs do, when to use your EAP
  • Workplace safety tips and injury prevention: Avoiding dangerous short-cuts, injury prevention, thinking safety, building a culture of safety, how to influence peers so they think safety, too
  • Customer service: difficult attitudes, difficult customers, peak performance, staying positive, keeping customers happy, reducing your own stress, changing your thinking about customers
Experience. We've written nearly 1000 articles on the topics shown above and 850 articles alone on the supervisor's role in managing employees in our FrontLine Supervisor newsletter. Place your subscription order here or get a free trial right now.

Use our workplace wellness and employee newsletter right out of the envelope. It's called the FrontLine Employee. It was designed for any company wanting a health and productivity newsletter for employees. It's monthly and two pages, not four. That means 50% more content per year than a quarterly four-page newsletter, with articles likely to be completely read. It's editable and it articles are shorter, punchier, delve deeper, and content is influenced by frequent requests of subscribers using the FE HOTLINE. FrontLine Employee's  focus is on helping employees, increasing EAP utilization, and helping employers reduce behavioral risk exposures.
  • Ready for Copying or Make Changes
  • Unlimited Reproduction for Your Customers
  • Lowers Cost while Increasing Frequency
  • You control the frequency: Monthly, Bimonthly, Whatever
  • Add Articles, Edit Articles, Create Your Own Title
  • PDF, MS Publisher, MS Word Graphics, or Text
  • Free Layout of Your Logo: SEE AN EXAMPLE
Who's using FrontLine Employee?
  • Universities
  • Educational Institutions
  • Military
  • Municipal Governments
  • Private Industries
  • EAP Providers
  • Internal EAPs in Medium and Large Organizations
  • Associations
  • Federal Agencies: NASA, FBI, etc.