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- Reduce Supervisor Errors and Mistakes in Managing Employees
- Makes Any Employee Assistance Program Become a Powerful Loss Prevention Program
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- Over 750 Questions and Answers Shared Since 1994 on the Supervisor's Role in Managing Trouble Employees
- Topics: Absenteeism, Attitudes, Alcoholism, Behavioral Problems, Using the EAP in Supervision, Trips, Traps, Myths, and Misconceptions in Managing Employees, Resources, News, Motivation Tips, Building Morale, Avoiding Manipulation, Intervening with Personality Conflicts, and much, much more.
- The World's Most Widely Read Supervisor Newsletter on Managing Troubled Employees
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- Accelerates Your EAP Staff's Knowledge about EAP Theory, the Core Technology, and Application of These Principles -- OVERNIGHT!
- Trains Human Resource Managers in the fundamentals of how to manage employee behavior in the supervision relationship so they can in turn consult with supervisors in managing troubled employees and improving productivity.
- This supervisor newsletter will educate supervisors about managing troubled employees, how to use the organization's employee assistance program as a positive tool in the supervision relationship (if the organization has an EAP), and how to improve employee productivity, morale, and team-oriented thinking. It will help your organization reduce its exposure to behavioral risk and employment practices liability by improving supervisor relationships with employees.
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- Your EAP Will Finally Be Complete! FrontLine Supervisor has been called the "missing link" to make EAPs more effective and valuable. And what better way to say it than this: "Cavemen discovered fire. Dan Feerst discovered FrontLine Supervisor."
"Thanks, I can't tell you how much our client companies appreciate what you are writing. Always a big hit with managers we work with and very helpful for them! Keep up the good work. David Worster, Director NH EAP Collaborative Concord, NH"Every month I tell my clients ...'this is particularly good issue' and every month it truly is!" This is a great resource. Thank you so much. Elizabeth Robinson, LMFT, CEAP, Manager, Employee Assistance Program Univiersity of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT