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WorkLife Excel Newsletter               1-800-626-4327
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Company Newsletter Articles
When it comes to company newsletter content, employee wellness and managing personal stress is the most vital topic to employees. They are also interested in improving communication, dealing with difficult people, and reducing conflict.

WorkLife Excel Newsletter includes company newsletter articles with these themes throughout the year. These topics for your company newsletter are always at the top of our mind. These articles on well-being are important, but we dually focus on productivity, family issues, personal goals, getting help with personal problems, seasonal issues, mental health, substance abuse, improving relationships at home, and much more. Always, we keep our eyes open for unique ideas about stress management.

We see company newsletter articles as important risk management tools. Here's the truth. You will never know what major problem your company newsletter prevented as a result of an article some employee read that caused him or her to think a little more deeply about getting help or handling a personal problem a different way. This could even prevent workplace violence.

We take this mission seriously when composing company newsletter articles. This is also a reason to consider whether the person authoring the content of your newsletter is a license mental health professional with decades of experience in working with personal problems of employees in the workplace. That is exactly who we are.

Omitting helpful personal wellness articles that give employees insight will cause your newsletter to be read less frequently. We keep in mind that employees are constantly thinking, "What's in it for me." We know who the customer is for your company newsletter. It's the reader.

That theme is the critical one for this article because without solid useful content, employees will devalue the value company newsletter articles in their mind and cease to get the important help they need to stay fit and remain healthy, and of course manage stress.

When in search of topics or ideas, you may cover areas such as diet and nutrition, along with exercise and spiritual well being (e.g., meditation). Employees with take interest in newsletters that address their mental well being; such articles would also touch on coping with the stress.

As mentioned, company newsletter articles should also address issues that may be concerns with your employees' families. Teenager problems, communication, spousal relationships, sharing chores, communication, debt problems, saving money, living in healthy ways, and dealing with eldercare issues.All of these are part of the our line up of topics during the year.

Other relevant health topics may include vaccination, flu, stopping smoking, and monthly health observances that the U.S. government's department of health and human services has found important.

Employee newsletter content that discuss the issues of the day are critical to address, especially when they are at the top of employees' minds. For example, if a kidnapping of a child occurs, we will use the media's promotion of this tragedy to bring employees' attention to the topic of keeping children safe. We know that company newsletter topics that address important topics or content in the news get read more assuredly than other topics. These are opportunities to help your employees.

Company article ideas may also include smoking, healthy lungs, allergies and how to get more productive sleep.

Though most companies will have separate correspondence that covers financial related matters in detail, company newsletter articles will help clarify financial issues and problems many employees fact. We will always refer employees to recognized resources, many of which are associated with the federal government. The advantage of course is that we do the work of finding these resources for your company newsletter articles to you don't have to.

Your newsletter should address financial education as often as possible, given that financially secured employees perform better in the workplace. Newsletters may also address the advantages of savings, health care benefits; among others. In this sense, think of company newsletter articles as reminders, not the main source, but nonetheless highly effective in keeping employees up to date.

Topics for company newsletter articles are countless as you can see, especially in the health and wellness area. But you will have your own ideas about what you want your employees to read. We want you to let us know what those ideas are. You will use our customer and subscriber company newsletter articles hotline to stay in touch with us so we meet your needs. We can't write an articles specifically about your company, but we will try to meet your needs with that article, spinning it so it applies to any of our customers' workplaces. For example, downsizing stress, etc.

Whether delivered as hard copy or email, the effectiveness of the's WorkLife Excel newsletter will show itself quickly. Since are mental health professionals, we know how to write company newsletter content that is well received. It's an art that only writers with "in the trenches" experience can accomplish.

Effective company newsletter topics and content will not are never controversial. We will not write content that focuses on creating conflict for the employer. For example, we stay away from "how to ask for a raise, how to sue employer, how to quit your job, start a business on the side, or other topics that do not serve the employers mission and goals.

A good company newsletter with effective topics and content will not only grab attention at the beginning, it must also sustain attention once grabbed, and this is easily achieved by avoiding irrelevant or bleak material. We're pros at avoiding the mundane. It takes experience.

WorkLife Excel is your answer to great company newsletter articles and it is an easy, cost-beneficial intervention strategy for helping your employees stay happy, healthy, and productive.

Daniel Feerst, LISW, Publisher-in-Chief
Executive Editor and Founding Publisher 1-800-626-4327

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The Newsletter with Empowering Company Newsletter Articles

Empowering and helping employees is an essential workforce management goal. A newsletter is a critical strategy in this effort. If you don't need an editable, customizable newsletter like our most popular FrontLine Employee, choose this one-of-a-kind resource selected by the U.S. Small Business Administration for its employees--WorkLife Excel.

WorkLife Excel's content helps improve productivity, helps employees manage stress, and guides them in being more effective at work and at home. It targets the reduction of workplace conflict, improved communication, and promoting a positive workplace. Articles also help family members with home-life issues like parenting, time management, and of course, improving communication.

WorkLife Excel
helps employees "think safety", and includes articles to help lower rates of injuries and even faster recovery from injuries. Plenty of articles offer tips on dealing with difficult people, fighting negativity, building your team, improving morale, and supporting a diverse and inclusive workforce. WorkLife Excel covers all the bases.

Regularly, WorkLife Excel targets problems such as substance abuse, depression, and a wide range of mental health and fitness issues. These include diet, wellness, stress management, positivity, and possibility thinking.

Articles in WorkLife Excel are empowering and authoritative. As you can see, you'll receive a beautiful newsletter designed for readability and attractiveness. Employees look forward to receiving WorkLife Excel, and they read it. They take it home, pass it around, and use what's in it.

WorkLife Excel makes the maximum positive impression on employees and those at the top. You will be proud to have your name on WorkLife Excel  just like our other subscribers.
The result is a newsletter to help you achieve one of your most important human resource management goals: having a happier healthier, and more productive workforce.

Why are we so sure you'll love WorkLife Excel?

WorkLife Excel is the only newsletter for the workplace written, produced, and published by licensed professionals who are experts in employee assistance with extensive "in-the-trenches" consulting, training, and team-building experience. Only those with the experience write and/or approve content.

We discovered long ago what format of newsletter works best. So, we select color images for high impact and we deliver a welcomed frequency of two pages, monthly.

Get WorkLife Excel in print, pdf, or both. It always arrives a week early. You'll never be in a rush to get it out. Start today by faxing this order form.
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Company Newsletter Articles
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Work-Life-Excel is  the single most useful, helpful and informative resource that I know of.  It is one of the best publications out there. Keep up the good work."
Denise Lee, Senior Employee Relations Specialist
U.S. Small Business Administration
Office of Disaster Assistance