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Ultimate EAP Supervisor Referral Flow Diagram HERE IS THE LINK TO THE FLOW DIAGRAM!
Do you have a great "EAP Supervisor Referral Flow Diagram" to pass out or show on a screen at training sessions?
There is no substitute for having one. If you don't, I am sure you wish you had one. I am giving you one here. It's a PDF and it's editable in MS Publisher (sorry, there is no MS Word format for this fact sheet because it was a little to complicated to construct it.) You can tailor flow diagram to fit your needs precisely, I definitely encourage you to use it in PowerPoint presentations, or group discussions.
Every EAP is different, so I don't promise it will match your EAP precisely. You already know that 98% of the products I produce are editable by you, or customizable for you by me, but use MS Publisher for this one. Frankly, this chart is so effective, you may understand your own EAP better after you see it! It is great for training students or new employee assistance professionals, in particular.
I shamelessly admit that this a taste of the updated Supervisor Training Programs available at EAPtools.com. But it is still yours without any strings attached.
I started including this flow diagram in all supervisor training courses beginning today, except courses with FLASH movies in them. That's because the chart requires some instruction and discussion or the ability for the learner to study it online. Flash movie formats don't lend themselves to that ability.
By the way, all web courses now have the ability for me to insert your PDFs (supervisor referral forms, checklists,etc). This is an awesome advance
in the EAPtools.com technology options. Just give me the pdfs when you purchase a training product, and I will insert a
link for each one. Max is three.)
I believe the Supervisor Training Program offered by EAPtools.com is beyond any doubt the most versatile, sortable, comprehensive supervisor training program ever produced for the field. But don't thank me. Thank about 50 EAPs or so that since 1999 have helped me make minor changes to it. This is the first tweak one in a couple years.
If you wish to own the EAP Supervisor Training Program or Course, look on page 20 of your recent catalog, and fax the order form. Go here to the back of the catalog to get a form. Alternatively, you can preview the entire unabridged program by requesting that I send it to you at the link below.
(Don't worry, I will send return postage as always if you decide not to purchase it.)
Take Care,
Daniel Feerst Publisher
Important Note: If you don't have MS Publisher (EAPtools.com fact sheets are all editable using this product) GET IT! It is simple, cheap, and a breeze to use. If you need MS Publisher, buy an earlier version from Amazon.com. You can buy one from a reseller for up to 75-80% off. You don't need the latest version! In fact, I never use the latest version.