Thank you so much for participating in this Product Use Survey! It will help us produce products that better help employees, supervisors, other workplace professionals.
Daniel Feerst, LISW,
Filter Type:
Your Email:
What product did you use or preview
2. Why I did not renew or purchase the product
I ran out of time to preview it
I like it, but couldn't get approval for purchase
It was great, but out budget is too tight.
It was too expensive
I want it, but have to wait until our next budget
The product wouldn't operate in my computer
It wasn't professional enough for me
It was similar to a product I already had
I lost interest in the product
I was too busy to preview it
I had a different reason, see below . . . .
I didn't have time to use the product.
I didn't think it was helpful
No one read or used it
3. Is there any product that you looking for from a vendor like us that can't find? What are you looking for?
Please e-mail me information about:
0. Check one or more
1. Employee Orientation to the EAP
2. Web Supervisor Training
3. PowerPoint Supervisor Training
4. Employee Stress Management
5. Supervisor Stress Management Secrets Supervisr
6. Supervisor Refresher Training
7. Alcohol and Drug Awareness (Employees)
8. Alcohol and Drug Awareness (Supervisors)
9. 14 Vital Skills for Superviors
10. Newsletter: FrontLine Supervisor
11. Newsletter: FrontLine Employee
12. Newsletter: Spanish FrontLine Employee
16. EAP/Management Repro-Editable Hdts
13. WorkLife Excel Newsletter
14. EAP Posters
15. Employee Repro-Editable Handouts