Multiple formats are available. Choose PowerPoint for stand-up presentations or the narrated and animated DVD of the PowerPoint program for large groups. Choose the Web course format--an interactive CD which can stand alone and be used with any computer, or be placed on your Web site for 24/ access by supervisors. It's perfect for serving hard-to-reach supervisors.
Build Strong, Positive Relationships with Supervisors and Make Them Ambassadors of Your EAP!
Stress Managment Secrets for Supevisors
PowerPoint with Instructor's Notes, PowerPoint with Sound, DVD of the PowerPoint Program, Web Course, Flash, Self-Play CD
Management staff and supervisors with more to do, and with less help to do it face enormous stress. Everybody wants more from them, even EAPs. But now you can give them something special that will build your EAP or HR relationship with them. Introducing stress management secrets for supervisors, one of the hottest programs we've developed.
These three short, but meaty, training modules covers strategies for defeating common stress-inducers for managers and supervisors, including...
- Conflict among supervised employees,
- Friction among peers, conflict with boss,
- Managing, helping troubled employees,
- Overcoming feeling of isolation,
- Disciplining & terminating employees,
- Combating self-doubt regarding personal work performance,
- Balancing work pressures with other personal needs,
- Overcoming potential burn-out,
- Responding to change and
- Honing leadership skill
Part I Resolving Conflict Among Employees; Resolving Conflict Among Peers and the Boss; Negotiating with Others; Supervisor Role in Conflict; Supporting Troubled Employees without Overstepping Your Bounds; More Stress Tips
Part II Coping with Feelings of Isolation in Supervision; Dealing with Discipline and Dismissal Stress; Conquering Self-doubt; More Stress Tips
Part III Goal Setting; Time Management, Getting Things Done, Invervening with Burnou; Coping Skills; Dealing with Change; Staying Positive; Leading in the Midst of Stress; Taking Charge; Motivating Others; More Stress Tips
This program will help EAPs, HR departments, and organizational development professionals bond with supervisors. Each section is about 15 minutes.
See a short clip...turn speakers up.