"By the way, I love the vital tips supervisor program we purchased. It is
comprehensive and will be a great asset for our managers who cannot attend
on-site training."
Preview two chapters of this program now, and let me e-mail you the link to the full program for preview. No cost. No obligation.
Supervisors don't have to learn critical skills on the fly. Your department can be the "go-to" source that helps them and keeps your profession--EAP, HR, OD--relevant..
Makes the EAP the "go-to" source for supervisor training
Reduces employment practices liability
Improves supervisor loyalty to the EAP
Reduces supervisor stress with vital skills
Gives supervisors a way to review critical skills fast
For more information:
DFA Publishing LLC
P.O. Box 2006
Mount Pleasant, SC 29465 US Email: publisher@workexcel.com 843-884-3632 1-800-626-4327 Fax: 843-884-0442