Behavioral Risk and EAP News
Week of February 18-23, 2007 Your EAP's Employee Orientation: On your Web site, PowerPoint with sound, DVD of PowerPoint, or launched from a CD in any computer. Click to learn more ...
2-25-07: Alcoholics May have Trouble Reading Other's Emotions New research suggests that alcoholics have difficulty reading the emotions of others, and that treatment which emphasizes interpersonal skills may be valuable as an important part of treating the disease.
2-23-07: Lawmakers Debate Drug Testing Bill for Injured Workers You're injured on the job for any reason, and the employer asks you to take a drug test. You refuse. You are then fired--presumed drunk or drugging on the job based upon your refusal to test. Neveda's debating it now. Read more about it.
2-15-07: New Report on the Science of Addition Groundbreaking discoveries about the brain have revolutionized our understanding of drug addiction, enabling us to respond effectively to the problem.
2-08-07: Native Americans Have More Alcoholism and Drug Problems ACTION: Avoid enabling in the clinical and EAP setting by refusing to accept the commonly heard cliche that alcoholism is an "equal opportunity illness." This P-C statement sounds gracious, but it ignores extensive research, over 1100 adoptive twin studies, biogenetic reality, and practical experience of addiction treatment professionals.
2-08-07: Brief Hospital Intervention with Alcoholic Patients ACTION: Make sure social workers in area hospitals have your EAP name and phone number in their resource file. These professionals may refer family members to the EAP for help if they know you exist and will help family members of employees. This study shows that brief intervention attempts to help alcoholics in the hospital setting does not cause them to reduce alcohol intake in the future or lead to an increased likelihood of entering treatment in the future. Something else is needed.
1-24-07: Employee awarded Workers Compensation for Sexual Harassment Action: Employee assistance professionals are in the best position of any profession to intervene early and address sexual harassment in the workplace. This includes prevention through education and intervention through treatment/education of perpetrators referred for conduct issues before they can offend again.
10-16-06: Drug Testing Works ACTION: EAPs may be "hidden matter" in the effectiveness of drug testing programs according to this article (if you read it accurately). Drug testing works, but where prior studies have shown this to be the case, they failed to account for existing policies and employee assistance programs. EAPs therefore play a key role in drug free workplace programs and without them, a drug testing program will probably fall short -- by as much as 25%.
9-27-06: New Tough Stance on Drinking on the Job in New Jersey ACTION: This article justifies a strong renewed push for effective employee assistance programs in the state of NJ. Encourage legislature to promote employee assistance programs as a measured intervention in light of the impact of the law on employees and the workplace.
8-17-06: Workplace Stress Saps Productivity ACTION: Great article. Consider retaining copy for helping to demonstrate cost-benefit of employee assistance programs and how they help employees remain productive.