Welcome to HandoutsPlus.com. This section of the EAPtools.com website contains a growing list of reproducible, editable fact sheets for EAPs and behavioral healthcare providers. We survey EAPs and mental health professionals to identify the most desirable topics. Each is only $17!How It Works
We will record your selected fact sheets on a CD in MS Word, MS Pubisher, and as PDFs. You will also receive fact sheets printed in color on glossy stock paper. All fact sheets are inserted into top-loading sheet protectors. Fact sheets are shipped in a plastic case for safe storage.
Get Discounted Fact Sheets
Purchase fact sheets in groups for the best discount. Groups of 15 are priced at $199.00. You save $56 with bundled groups. (It's like getting three fact sheets free.) Purchase all groups and save even more.
Powerful Capabilities
Fact sheets are editable. You may put your program's name and phone number on them, edit text, add your own expertise, create your own PDFs, e-mail internally, or place them on a password protected section of your website.
Your license also permits using the contents in other applications, internal newsletters, brochures, etc. These fact sheets are great for health and benefit fairs, waiting rooms, counseling sessions, orientation sessions, trainings, brown-bag luncheons, and more.
Get a FREE Fact Sheet
Do you need a fact sheet on a topic that we don't have yet? Let us know. If we produce it, we will e-mail it to you free in three formats. Join the "Fact Sheet Alert E-Hotline!" When new facts sheets are produced, we will send you an e-mail to let you know they've arrived oline!