employee newsletter names, ideas, topics

“FrontLine Employee has solved the daunting task of providing my small team the benefit of a customized monthly newsletter in a cost-effective way. The practical tips on work/life wellness and training are so insightful, simple, and important. Our employees are able to take ideas from this wonderful newsletter and start utilizing them immediately!” --  Meredith Rosenow, The Continental Group, Property Management

Nine Reasons to Subscribe to FrontLine Employee

1. Instant relief from the stress of assembling an employee wellness newsletter for your work organization. It's ready to distribute....but you can change anything, even the title.

2. Get your life back. You're finally out of "newsletter prison" and free to do other things with your time.

3. No worry and no embarrassment about on-time distribution of your newsletter. It comes before the deadline--a week early every month.

4. End pressure, weekend work, writer's block, panic, and mad searches for article ideas on the Internet.

5. Help employees and their families deal with work-life problems. Articles include actionable tips, suggestions, guidance, and resources for more information. Use the exclusive article "HOT LINE" to request article topics that match the need of your organization. FrontLine Employee uses 90% of requested topics by subscribers.

6. Easy to test. No obligations. Request a free trial and decide three months later if the  newsletter is right for you. If you subscribe, a 100% money-back guarantee is yours if decide to cancel later.

7. No more embarrassing grammar mistakes--each  issue is professionally proofread by full time proofreading experts!

8. Save money. The newsletter is only $495 per year for a company with under 100 employees. The newsletter is $695 for companies over 100 to 1000 employees. And $995 for over 1000 employees. This is a once a year, flat rate.

9. Truly yours. Decide on your own title if you wish. Get a professionally designed nameplate (see a few here) to match your company's logo, culture, style, etc. Finally have the newsletter you want and need with none of the headaches you've experienced until now.

Get a Free Three-Month Trial
(100% Editable in MS Word or MS Publisher!)
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Click to Read the Whole Story
FrontLine Employee is the indispensable workplace wellness newsletter that focuses on wellness, productivity tips, improving communication, resolving conflicts, improving family life, improving health, managing stress, improving the relationship with the boss, and much more.
"Thanks, I can't tell you how much our client companies appreciate what you are writing. Always a big hit with managers we work with and very helpful for them! Keep up the good work.
David Worster, Director
NH EAP Collaborative
Concord, NH

"Every month I tell my clients ...'this is particularly good issue' and every month it truly is!" This is a great resource. Thank you so much.
Elizabeth Robinson, LMFT, CEAP,
Manager, Employee Assistance Program

Univiersity of Connecticut Health Center,
Farmington, CT

Here's the Fastest, Easiest, (and Laziest) Way to Make a Newsletter Every Employee Will Love Reading While You Get the Credit for Discovering It
Make a Newsletter for Your Company Wellness or Benefits Program with MS Publisher

When you make a newsletter for your company, start off on the right foot and use MS Publisher 2000 or higher. Don't fear this program. It is easier and more intuitive than MS Word. It is the secret to reducing your stress when you make a newsletter for you company. Also get content for your newsletter and a template by Googling terms such as "editable employee newsletter content". You will find "make a newsletter" vendors who are willing to send you both editable templates and article content. I know it sounds like a lot of work but do not fear putting out a monthly newsletter. Your employees need it. There are services that will do this for you and you can have the luxury of placing images of your staff into your newsletter in seconds if you want. You also will have the ability to add your own articles, or even rename the publication if you wish to whatever you desire. There are also services that will create your own nameplate from the special name that you create for your newsletter. Google "employee newsletter names" to see a few choice articles. See these nameplates examples created by vendors. Be sure to ask if they will do it for free. Listen, these vendors see you as a long term subscriber and it costs them very little to give you extra services in hopes of keeping you for years as a newsletter customer. They will allow you to make a newsletter with a smile and you will reduce your stress. Do not use a vendor that does not have some sort of hot line or who you can't send an email to suggest content that your company needs in its newsletter. This is critical because you must pay attention to the needs of your employees when you make a newsletter. Your employees are a captured audience. They have personal problems and a newsletter can speak directly to those problems and be a more powerful influence on them than a preacher in a church on Sunday--and with less resistance. Also, when you make a newsletter for your company, make sure the writer of the content is a clinical professional in mental health. This sort of individual if they have worked in business and industry extensively will know what to say and how to say it so employees are moved to use the content of the newsletter to make personal changes in their lives.