PHONE 1-800-626-4327
Help Your Employees Zap Stress and Tackle Tough Work-Life Issues with a Newsletter They Will Love
Ready-to-Go or Edit! Customize or Rename, Copy,
and/or E-mail It to All Employees!
"Absolutely! You can use my comments as a testimonial for your Web site. I am thrilled with FrontLine Employee. It is an excellent resource for all my employees."

Elizabeth Robinson, Manager
University of Connecticut Health Center

My name is Dan Feerst. I am the author and publisher of the work-life newsletter currently distributed to all 12,000 employees of the U.S. Congress. I have been an industrial social worker and employee assistance professional for 25 years.

I assume you are concerned about the health and well-being of your employees, or the personal problems that can interfere with productivity, attendance, and morale. Well, you are in the right place.

FrontLine Employee is a fast-reading work-life newsletter to help everyone in your organization be happy, healthy, and productive. Our articles are written by licensed clinical professionals, and it shows.

You've never seen a newsletter quite like it because it is delivered ready to go or you can edit every word in it with Microsoft Publisher--the easiest software program in the world to use for newsletters.

Get three free issues below, but also learn how to get $1194 in free stress management materials for your employees if you become a paid subscriber. (We put together what is known as an irresistible offer!)

Please phone me at my office in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina at 843-884-3632 at any time. I answer my own phone. I am always here to answer questions.

FrontLine Employee focuses on the following topics during the year within its twelve issues:
  1. Improving Coworker Relationships
  2. Increasing Worker Productivity
  3. Balancing Work, Family, Home, and Community
  4. Improving Personal Fitness
  5. Personal Effectiveness and Goal Achievement
  6. Team Building
  7. Health Education
  8. Hot Work-Life Topics in the News
  9. Stress Management Tips
  10. Improving the Relationship with Your Supervisor
  11. Workplace Safety and Injury Prevention
  12. Customer Service

FREE NO-RISK TRIAL AGREEMENT: Please send me three free issues of FrontLine Employee newsletter without cost or obligation whatsoever. For three issues, I will receive the newsletter as a PDF, and in MS Publisher. I will also receive a hard copy in the mail for my records, and to remind me to look for my emailed copy. I understand that I will get full privileges to copy, distribute, and e-mail FrontLine Employee to all of my employees. I understand that I will be sent a link to my first issue right away, and subsequent issues will be sent to me approximately 7-10 days before the month of issue. That's it!

The "EAP or No EAP" question above refers to whether your company is served by a counseling or employees assistance program. We send the version of FrontLine Employee that encourages use of such a program if you have one. Otherwise, we send the version of FrontLine Employee that does not reference contact "your EAP" for help with personal problems.
Rest assured, I will never sell, lease, or otherwise share your information with anyone. We hate SPAM and value your privacy.