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"Good Morning, I just wanted to take a minute to send you greetings and a big “Thank YOU” for the FrontLine Newsletter  -- This brings a great deal of value to our employees (and me) and wanted you to know how much it is appreciated!"

Betty-Ann Busby, Benefits Manager
City of Alpharetta, Georgia

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Dan Feerst, Founding PublisherMy name is Daniel Feerst, MSW, LISW-CP. I am publisher ofFrontLine Employee "Health, Productivity, and Workplace Communication" newsletter.

If you hate searching for newsletter articles, ideas, templates, content, and interesting news....I know exactly where you are coming from.

I have been in your shoes, slammed by being assigned to do the company newsletter.

Newsletters are powerful and impacting, but writing one is a problem. Making it interesting is another problem. And getting it done on time...well, that can be a nightmare.

I solved all three of these problems with FrontLine Employee so you could have an easy and fun time creating your newsletter.