Nine Reasons to Subscribe to FrontLine Employee
1. Instant relief from the stress of assembling an employee wellness newsletter for your work organization. It's ready to distribute....but you can change anything, even the title.
2. Get your life back. You're finally out of "newsletter prison" and free to do other things with your time.
3. No worry and no embarrassment about on-time distribution of your newsletter. It comes before the deadline--a week early every month.
4. End pressure, weekend work, writer's block, panic, and mad searches for article ideas on the Internet.
5. Help employees and their families deal with work-life problems. Articles include actionable tips, suggestions, guidance, and resources for more information. Use the exclusive article "HOT LINE" to request article topics that match the need of your organization. FrontLine Employee uses 90% of requested topics by subscribers.
6. Easy to test. No obligations. Request a free trial and decide three months later if the newsletter is right for you. If you subscribe, a 100% money-back guarantee is yours if decide to cancel later.
7. No more embarrassing grammar mistakes--each issue is professionally proofread by full time proofreading experts!
8. Save money. The newsletter is only $495 per year for a company with under 100 employees. The newsletter is $695 for companies over 100 to 1000 employees. And $995 for over 1000 employees. This is a once a year, flat rate.
9. Truly yours. Decide on your own title if you wish. Get a professionally designed nameplate (see a few here) to match your company's logo, culture, style, etc. Finally have the newsletter you want and need with none of the headaches you've experienced until now.
Improve Communications, Work More Effectively with Your Employee Assistance Resource (EAP), and Help Employees Reduce Stress, Resolve Conflicts, Solve Family Problems, and Increase Respect in the Workplace
Do It All with Your Own Customizable, Completely Editable Workplace Wellness Newsletter in MS Publisher or MS Word from WorkExcel.com
Dear Workforce Management Professional
Ten years ago, I created an employee wellness newsletter with a completely editable and customizable format in MS Word and MS Publisher.
It allows you to have the personalized workplace wellness newsletter you need, but without the cost or trouble of doing it yourself.
The newsletter is FrontLine Employee.
Feel free to get a free, three-month trial so you can see how perfectly it fits with your organization and how effectively it will help your employees.
Today, approximately three million employees in thousands of organizations—including the employees of Ohio, Tennessee, and Washington, dozens of military installations, universities, hospitals, and workplace counseling providers receive FrontLine Employee.
An Exceptional Newsletter for Your Valuable Employees
Each issue of FrontLine Employee delivers concise, actionable information, tips, how-tos, expert guidance, and step-by-step approaches to resolving work-life problems and issues most employees face.
Not just anyone can write such a newsletter. Freelancers lift material from the Internet or press releases, but only a real pro—someone who has worked in the trenches, dealing with severe employee problems and crises—can offer the insight to motivate employees to take action to improve their lives.
FrontLine Employee is written from this perspective and every article is examined to prompt employees to take action. This causes them to look foward forward to the next issue.
Articles Employees Need. Articles Employers Want Them to Read
No articles in FrontLine Employee discuss the mundane. Your employees will resist a newsletter with the same old “off the shelf” articles. Articles like the “five most important vegetables to eat” or “why you should exercise 30 minutes a day” are boring. Employees already know these things!
FrontLine Employee is fast reading, with punchy articles of between 80 and 275 words. Our editorial experience has shown that articles within this range are much more likely to be read in their entirety. There are no long-winded articles, so your employees stay glued to content, and best of all, are more likely to act on the information.
Employees want articles that make them feel energized, give them hope, and excite them about taking another shot at solving a problem.
Employees dream about the workplace being less negative, having higher morale, and everyone treating each other with more respect. They want fewer conflicts and better skills at dealing more effectively with difficult people—especially customers, patients, and the public.
Your employees crave the ability to get more done in less time, feel better about their boss, solve eldercare dilemmas, parent their child or teenager better, save money, worry less, be more assertive when it is necessary, and have better coworker relationships so they experience more job satisfaction.
FrontLine Employee is written with every one of these goals in mind and target the following crucial topics during the year:
Workplace Communication: handling conflict, personality, and control issues; dealing with difficult people and attitude problems; negotiating and increasing cooperation; getting a point across, being assertive; improving listening skills; etc.
Worker Productivity Tips: managing time, organizing work, setting priorities, stopping procrastination, remembering things, stopping interruptions, completing work, etc.
Family, Home, and Community: thinking "green"; knowing about consumer product safety; parenting children and teenagers, safety at home, eldercare issues, family stress, budgeting tips, increasing marital harmony, work-life balance, etc.
Personal Fitness and Emotional Wellness: exercising, getting more energy, improving nutrition, understanding mental illness, self-diagnosing conditions, seeking professional help.
Personal Effectiveness and Goal Achievement: getting more done, improving self-awareness, motivation and using inspirational thinking, planning ahead, sticking to New Year resolutions, managing money, developing mediation skills, staying positive, etc.
Team Building: holding better meetings, reducing conflicts, improving communication, staying cohesive, being a team player, getting more done, sharing the work, etc.
*Improving Relationships with Your Supervisor: communicating better, knowing what the supervisor wants, completing assignments, making an impression, knowing how to “read between the lines,” planning for better performance reviews, etc.
Hot Productivity and Health Topics: learning about health issues in the national news, preventive health tips, alcoholism and drug abuse, where to get more information about specific conditions; giving and getting support; practicing self-help; finding unique resources, etc. Stress Management: using stress management tips, avoiding burnout, making self-assessments, recognizing signs and symptoms, etc.
Using the Employee Assistance Program: learning about use of the EAP, confidentiality, what the EAP can do, when to use the EAP.
Workplace Safety, Injury Prevention, and Recovery: avoiding shortcuts, preventing injury, thinking safety, building a culture of safety, think about safety, getting back to work sooner, etc.
Customer Service and Related Stress: proper attitudes, dealing with difficult customer behavior, staying positive, keeping customers happy, reducing stress.
What Makes It Unique—Text, PDF, and Easy, Editable Formats
FrontLine Employee is ready to use immediately when it arrives via e-mail. It’s two pages. You don’t need to do a thing. However, it is also 100% editable and customizable. You can add or edit articles, change frequency of distribution, or move articles from one issue to the next. FrontLine Employee is editable in MS Publisher and MS Word with graphics. You can also get a PDF, create your own PDF, or let us customize one for you. And if you already have a newsletter, but just need content, choose the text-only option.
You can change the name of FrontLine Employee, and as an option, we will gladly design a corporate, very professional masthead with your chosen name for the top of page 1.
You can upload FrontLine Employee to your Web site, e-mail it to employees, or print as many copies as you need. Send an e-mail with an embedded link, and every employee will be able to view your current issue with one click.
Are you familiar with quarterly, four page newsletters? I believe employees deserve more, and with Frontline Employee they get it—50% more content per year than a quarterly publication of four pages. And a two page newsletter is likely to be completely read!
FrontLine Employee arrives a week before the month of issue. You will always be relaxed getting it out. There’s never a rush. There are no embarrassing late issues, missed issues, or awkward questions from anyone about what happened to the newsletter.
Use the Subscriber Hot Line
As a FrontLine Employee subscriber, you gain access to the Subscriber Hot Line. This advantage allows you to suggest content for future articles. What’s going on in your workplace? If it’s important to you, it may be important to everyone. This lets me know.
The hot line helps me zero in on the topics you and other subscribers feel are most vital to employees. Are there grief issues or downsizing issues? Is disrespect a problem? Is tardiness a chronic concern? I use almost every suggestion that subscribers offer because they are almost always applicable to every workplace.
Free Tip Sheets and Handouts for Employees All Year!
Periodically, you will receive FREE downloads of up-to-the-minute workplace wellness and productivity tip sheets for employees. It’s all part of your subscription. These are original and about hard-to-find topics. Each one is in three editable formats just like the newsletter.
These tip sheets answer questions about urgent problems and issues employees face throughout the year: communication conflicts, eldercare dilemmas, family problems, preventing injuries, an alcoholic spouse, dealing with difficult people, stopping negativity, and many more.
Get a FREE, Three-Month Trial
Start a free, three-month trial subscription now by faxing or mailing page 4 of the enclosed brochure. Even better, phone me at 1-800-626-4327. I will e-mail the current issue right away.
You will finally experience how it feels to have an employee newsletter of your very own. Your employees will anticipate receiving it, and you can be certain a low-budget, HIGH-IMPACT resource will be working on behalf of your organization.
Pay Now for a Free Bonus worth $255!
If you decide to send payment with your order, I will send you a “thank you” CD worth $255 that includes 15 of my most popular employee tip sheets and handouts!
Each one of these tip sheets usually sells for $17. They are great for passing out to employees. Topics include resolving coworker conflicts, building teams, stopping disrespect, taking initiative, managing anger, balancing work and family, parenting teens, and more.
My Personal 100% Money-Back Anytime Guarantee!
There is simply no question that FrontLine Employee will be loved by your employees. However, do not fear. If for any reason FrontLine Employee isn’t as fantastic as I have described, or you feel it is not for you for any reason, I will gladly refund your entire subscription price, no questions asked.
I look forward to helping you and your employees!
Daniel A. Feerst, MSW, LISW-CP 1-800-626-4327
P.S. Remember! Pay nothing to start a FREE trial subscription, but if you send payment with your order, you will receive 15 of my MOST POPULAR and original employee tip sheets, a $255 value.
Phone 1-800-626-4EAP for faster service!
Daniel Feerst, LISW-CP, Publisher 1-800-626-4327 Fax Back Brochure Page 4 for Trial to 843-884-0442
Employee” has been a huge hit – and has opened more doors with the HR
people I’m developing relationships with (all over the state) than you
know. Drive on and keep up the great work! Heck yes! Of course you can
use my “testimonial” and my name. In fact, I’d be very glad if you did.
Yes, yes, yes!
Stan Meloy, Ph.D., Director State of Ohio Employee Assistance Program - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “By
the way, emailing these newsletters is GREAT. So easy to edit, turn
around, and send. Thanks for your help. Happy Thanksgiving."
Sue Kerner, Southern New Hampshire Medical Center Nashua, New Hampshire - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “We
enjoy your articles each month and I thank you. I can't say enough
about the two FrontLine publications we subscribe to. We are a small
company who is a provider of EAP services to small and medium
Marylee Nunley, V.P. of Operations Resource Management Services Peoria, Illinois - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "We
have found the EAP Frontline Employee which we renamed, "Reap the
Benefits" to be the greatest way to keep our Employee Assistance
Program visible to our employees over the years. They look forward to
receiving it and will contact us if we are late sending out to them.
The articles wonderfully address timely issues in the workplace.
Carol Boone, Ed.D. , CEAP EAP Administrator State of Tennessee Government - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “The newsletter is a great hit with our EAP companies and their employees."
Sylvia Darlington Network Services Centre St. Michael, Barbados
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "By
the way, I am thrilled with the FrontLine newsletters. Excellent
resource for both my supervisors and employees. Happy Thanksgiving."
Elizabeth Robinson University of Connecticut Farmington, CT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "After
downsizing, right-sizing, or whatever, I now provide direct services to
over 10,000 employees with no other EAP staff. FrontLine Employee (and
FrontLine Supervisor) enable me to have some type of newsletter. It is a
most valuable tool."
Ken Seaton, Civilian Employee Assistance Program Administrator Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Bremerton, Washington - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "This
month, October '01, your two newsletters were right on target. The
FrontLine Supervisor addressed the specific issues I have been helping
my customers and clients with the past month. A great reinforcement."
Keith Crochiere, Co-owner EAP Network Taunton, Massachusetts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "A great resource, especially when you need to work out a newsletter in a hurry!"
Bud Wassell Solutions, Inc Meriden, Connecticut - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "The
FrontLine Employee has been a big success for the promotion of the EAP.
I have received several phone calls from employees to the EAP asking
questions about the information. Keep up the good work!"
Employee Wellness Associates Green Bay, Wisconsin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Our employees call me immediately if the FrontLine Employee is not in their office on the designated day of arrival."
Melvina MacDonald Tallahasee Memorial Hospital Tallahasee, Florida - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
companies have thoroughly enjoyed receiving the FrontLine Employee. We
have had several compliments and the requests for more copies."
Carolyn Rohrig, DIRECTIONS Lincoln, Nebraska - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - "After
years of struggling with the newsletter arena -- a fantastic solution!
We can now promote our EAP services as state-of-the-art."
Marylee Nunley RMS, Inc. Peoria, Illinois - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "A great way to keep in touch with employees and give them useful information. Money well spent!"
Tom McMahon U.S. Postal Service Omaha, Nebraska - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "I
am always one to share good products with other peoples in our Native
communities and beyond. By doing so, it permits One Feather EAP as a
nationwide EAP provider to serve our contracts in good ways. As an
integrated piece of our programming, WorkExcel EAP products have been
very useful to the employees, Tribes, Nations, and communities we work
with and for."
Rodney Haring, Ph.D., LMSW (enrolled Seneca) One Feather Consulting, LLC http://www.onefeatherconsulting.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Thanks for your speedy reply. Your newsletters are of great value to us and our clients."
Eileen Crochiere EAP Network Taunton, Massachusetts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I currently subscribe to both Frontline Newsletters and find them most beneficial."
Ken Sipes, Director United Family Services EAP Charlotte, North Carolina - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "The
FrontLine Employee makes me look like a genius!! All of our client
companies love the publication, so please don't ever stop publishing it.
I could never do it on my own."
Bill Hoey, LCSW, CEAP Family Services Woodfield Bridgeport, CT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "We value our relationship with you and really like the newsletters."
Debra Ontiveros, Director WellConnect El Paso, TX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Aloha,
Dan – I sent out the February Frontline Employee yesterday and got a
call today thanking me for the excellent articles. She wanted to know
more information on one of the stories – the Pennsylvania weight loss
study – and I was able to Google the information and send her the links,
but she was very thankful for the information!! Thanks for helping us
look good once again!"
David Mitchell Child and Family Service - Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dan
has conscientiously developed software programs designed to assist
EAP’s with their clients. We have found that his programs which we use
for our website trainings are of superior quality featuring color
graphics, and relevant information. His programs are user friendly and
address all of our training needs.
Dan makes himself available
and has skillfully assisted me when implementing his programs. I enjoy
working with Dan and look forward to adding additional programs to our
training website.
David Hugo, D. Hugo and Associates, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -