Best Newsletter - Readers Make the Best Employee Newsletter
Let’s face it, a newsletter without a reader is like a car without wheels—it’s going nowhere.
Building a base of employee readers is critical to the evolution of a workplace newsletter. The best employee newsletter is monthly and two pages that readers will look forward to. Readers will get just the right amount of content and the right frequency. They find the information riveting and engaging. Content written professionally and from an expert’s point of view is a critical component from the content side of writing. But even the best content can bore a reader if it is not a topic that interests them in the first place. You can discover these topic by survey readers to find out what they want.
Engaging the reader is step number one toward writing the best employee newsletter. The editor must understand the reader’s interests, desires, hopes and fears. A newsletter focused on key issues in the reader's life makes for a much more interesting read, than, say a newsletter focused on 1% of the reader population.
Engagement is part promotion, part interaction, and part feedback. Grassroots promotion internal in the organization is often the best way to get the newsletter off the ground in the workplace. Speak to the prospective readers and learn to identify with their concerns and interests, find out what they would like to see inside the pages. Often this will be about personal and job related issues they struggle with in their lives.
Utilize the promotional stages of the newsletter as a point to gather information as well. Regurgitate this information in your early issues. For example, while promoting you ask Susan the HR manager what she enjoys reading about professionally. If she answers, workplace stresses, then be certain to include topical information in the first issue. Susan and likely many of her peers see this as not only professionally valuable information, but instantaneous feedback and connection with the newsletter. These actions are the building blocks of your publication. To make it the best newsletter, be certain to broaden the focus and include topically many workplace demographics.
Make the publication a consensus pool of feedback. Try each issue to maintain interaction with the audience. Submissions through an editorial page are a great way to interact, and many of the editorial writers peers will be interested to see what their partner had to say. Each department will seek accolades in the newsletter; ask the department heads to submit information about the departmental happenings, or photos or surveys for each issue. It’s imperative to be reliable to provide the best newsletter to your readers as well. Just like a viewer tuning into their local new station, you the editor should provide unbiased and balanced coverage, honoring the same sort of reliability of content in your publication.
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