TIP 3: Get up and move around to shake off stress.
Sitting for long, uninterrupted periods can cause stress to build up. The same goes if you rush from one demanding task to another without time in between to stretch and relax.
  1. Workers who answer phones all day---or who constantly take customer orders or make sales calls---may not realize that these relentless activities take a toll on the body and mind. Even if you pride yourself on multitasking (i.e., handling two or more tasks at once), trying to do too much can exhaust you.
  2. The human body wasn't designed for sitting for hours at a time. It's important to stand, stretch and physically re-energize yourself throughout the day. This provides renewed vitality and increases your stamina, alertness and positive attitude.
  3. At least once an hour, take two minutes to complete this waist-bend exercise:
    1. While standing up straight, slowly bend forward at the waist so that your back curls down as you reach with your arms towards your toes. Bend your knees slightly the whole time.
    2. Stop and hold the stretch when you feel some mild tension in your hamstrings. You need not touch your toes.
    3. Relax your lower back and neck as you continue to bend at the waist and reach down. Don't rock back and forth.
It's True!
It's True!
Standing and stretching at least once an hour is particularly crucial in today's high-tech workplace where you can sit for hours. Along with the sedentary nature of many jobs, stress can arise from deadline pressures, project demands and noise from coworkers in cramped cubicles. See your EAP if you feel stress even after you do stretching exercises.
Before a waist bend, loosen your belt one hole and undo your first button if you're wearing tight pants.