1. Which statement most closely describes an EAP?
1. A. A management tool that is pro-employee and pro-organization.
2. B. Part of the employee's benefits package.
3. C. A psychotherapy service paid for by the employer.
2. EAPs can reduce the risk of lawsuits by helping troubled employees resolve personal problems before they face adverse actions such as termination that can lead to expensive legal challenges.
3. Many professionals in the workplace may consult with supervisors, but the profession founded on the basis of helping troubled employees and consulting with supervisors in managing and intervening with troubled employees is:
1. A. Health and Wellness
2. B. Occupational Medicine
3. C. Employee Assistance
4. D. Human Resources
4. Your employee says she has marital problems after you confront her about coming in late and calling in sick. As a result, you recommend that she call the EAP. The attendance problems stop. However, two months later, attendance problems return. True or False: Your prior discussion and recommendation to use the EAP was a "supervisor referral"?
5. Some employees have personal problems, but no performance problems. How would you respond . . . . Q. Your employee tells you she is having financial problems. She says if things get worse, she might have to file for bankruptcy. She has no performance problems. What would you do?
1. A. There is no basis for a supervisor referral, so tell the employee what you would do if you were in her shoes.
2. B. Suggest she visit the EAP as a self-referral, but do not discuss the problem.
3. C. Make a formal supervisor referral because a problem like this could affect job performance in the future.
6. TRUE or FALSE: Your employee has a problem with absenteeism. When confronted, he says he will seek help from the EAP. A month later the absences continue. At this point, there is no need to make a supervisor referral because the employee has already gone.
7. Which one of these interactions with a troubled employee would most likely be perceived as serious and motivate change?
1. A. A confrontation with the employee by telephone when he or she calls in with an excuse for being late.
2. B. A structured and formal meeting with the employee in a quiet place, such as an office.
3. C. A stern warning in the hallway by the supervisor immediately after the incident.
8. If you refer an employee to the EAP, but do not consult with the EA professional and do not provide written information concerning performance problems, all of the following are likely to happen EXCEPT:
1. A. The employee will be completely accurate and forthcoming about performance problems.
2. B. The employee will deny significant performance problems and argue that the problem is really with you.
3. C. The EAP will probe the employee for information, but the employee will deny problems.
4. D. The employee will say, "My supervisor said I had to come to the EAP, but I don't know why."
9. TRUE OR FALSE: If the employee is referred to the EAP, but refuses to sign a release, the supervisor will be in the dark, confused, and not know what to do if job problems continue.
10. TRUE or FALSE: Meeting with an employee after referral to the EAP, and planning specific dates and times for other follow-up meetings is a powerful way of helping an employee feel a constructive sense of urgency to follow-through with the EAPs recommendations and reduce the likelihood of a return to performance problems.
11. You are angry with your employee and upset about her continued absenteeism and problematic behavior on the job. You decide to refer your employee to the EAP. Unfortunately the employee does not go after agreeing to do so. How should you respond?
1. A. Do not let your employee off the hook without a consequence. Give the disciplinary action you originally planned.
2. B. Continue to monitor job performance, and respond if performance problems continue.
3. C. Decide that the EAP doesn't work, and forget about future use of the EAP.
12. A supervisor is not allowed to dispense a disciplinary action while an employee is being seen by the EAP, even if performance problems are continuing.