Stress Management Techniques PowerPoint, (Sound or No Sound), DVD, Web Training, or Flash Movie
Get loads of stress management techniques with this PowerPoint based product that includes a Web course, editable PowerPoint, DVD, or Flash formats for your Web site.
We produced this program with actionable tips and techniques that employees can practice and will remember to practice. A few techniques from the program can take edge of work-life-family and job stress issues. Stress Management Techniques in this product number about 60 collected within it Ten Tips or Strategies.
May we recommend the Web Course format because a certificate is issued. It goes on your web site, and you have a contest to get every employee completing it. Talk about a risk reduction strategy!
Once purchased, any employee will be able to view the program from your web site with a click. This also permits you to e-mail the start link to an employee you think could use it.
This program easily uploads to your web site. You own it. You control it. There is no linking to us or user fees. We only require that a simple protected page so others on the World Wide Web can't "take" it from you without payment.
The program lasts about 30 minutes minutes. You may preview the first two chapters here.
Follow the instructions to make your purchase, fax your request with payment, or phone me at 1-800-626-4327 make your purchase or learn more. Your purchase includes a 100% money-back guarantee. This program was written specifically for employees, and it will be one of the easiest ways for you to say you care about them. See below for more information on what this program can do for your work organization.
Purchase Stress Management Techniques Powerpoint Program
Stress Management Techniques PowerPoint has a preview here. Wait for Flash to load. It might be slow if a lot of EA and HR professionals are viewing it. Refresh screen if needed. Still need help? Phone Dan at 1-800-626-4327 or e-mail me at: publisher@workexcel.com
What this Product Will Do for You:
- Save lives -- this topic should be on every EAP web site
- Demonstrates that your program is on top of a key problem facing employees and society
- Professional appearance improves EAP image
- Instantly adds more value to your program or service
- Increases EAP utilization--program advocates use of the EAP
- Shows technological capability of your web site
- Adding content for your web site makes it interactive and improves your ability to market your program
- Improve your web site's return on investment
- Save money and time on training while reaching more people
- Show customers frequency of use and better prove your worth
- Add a prevention service with less expense and gain free time for other important program needs
- Train and educate 24 hours a day
- Reach family members, use the accompanying CD at health fairs (you get two ways to train because CD "self-plays".)
- E-mail the start link to clients, interested persons, or groups.
- Train employees in the field or away from the employer's location
- Seamless appearance with your logo prominently placed on first slide.
- Start a library of value-added web content from WorkExcel.com and make this one your first!
- Only $395 and you own the program. No linking to WorkExcel.com.